Ancient Fashion: Meaning of Color & Skirt Length

Fashion is a reflection of social and cultural values.

Fashion is a response to economic changes.

Fashion is influenced by the identity of humans.

To some, fashion is a luxury.

To some, fashion is disposable.

To some, fashion has no value.

Way back in the day, people dressed in clothing and accessories that were a reflection of their status in society. Hierarchies were a standard organization of society with royalty and government being the wealthy rule makers.

Skirt Length Meaning in Fashion

The Early Ancient Sumerian society was strictly hierarchical and patriarchal. In the hierarchy, the distinction between the economic status of people was reinforced through rules of fashion. Skirts were a standard garment for both men and women. The length of the skirt was an echo of your place in society. The shorter the skirt, the lower your position in society. Thus, royalty wore long skirts. (Loggans, 2017)

Color Meaning in Fashion

The Early Ancient Byzantine society was hierarchical, patriarchal, and used fashion to distinguish rank and gender of people. Bright colored clothing was reserved for people in the court or the imperial family. The color purple was exclusively intended for the sale to and use of royalty. The color purple was retrieved from a sea snail known as the mediterranean murex. (Lattanzio, 2022)

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Art
Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Martin Heemskerck

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